ISSprOM 2019-2
International Specification for Sprint Orienteering Maps
101 Contour
Geometry: line. Definition A line joining points of equal height. The standard vertical interval between contours is 2 or 2.5 m. To emphasize the 3-dimensional effect of the contour line…
102 Index contour
Geometry: line, text. Definition Every fifth contour shall be drawn with a thicker line. This is an aid to thequick assessment of height difference and the overall shape of the…
103 Form line
Geometry: line. Definition An intermediate contour line. Form lines are used where more information can be given about the shape of the ground. They are used only where representation is…
104 Earth bank
Geometry: line. Definition A steep earth bank is an abrupt change in ground level which can be clearly distinguished from its surroundings, e.g. gravel or sand pits, roads and railway…
105.1 Small earth wall
Geometry: line. Definition A small distinct earth wall, usually man-made. Larger earth walls should be represented with the symbols Contour (101), Form line (103) or Earth bank (104). Parameters Minimum…
105.2 Retaining earth wall seen only from one side
Geometry: line. Definition A retaining earth wall is an abrupt change in ground level which can be clearly distinguished from its surroundings used for minor peat edges and cultivation terraces.…
107 Erosion gully
Geometry: line. Definition An erosion gully which is too small to be represented with the symbol Earth bank (104), Contour (101), Index contour (102) or Form line (103) is represented…
108 Small erosion gully
Geometry: line. Definition A small erosion gully. Contour lines shall be broken around this symbol. Parameters Minimum depth: 0.5 m. Minimum length (isolated): two dots (1 mm – footprint 4…
109 Small knoll
Geometry: point. Definition A small obvious mound or rocky knoll which cannot be drawn to scale with a Contour (101), Index contour (102) or Form line (103). The symbol shall…
110 Small elongated knoll
Geometry: point. Definition A small obvious elongated knoll which cannot be drawn to scale with a Contour (101), Index contour (102) or Form line (103). The maximum length should be…
111 Small depression
Geometry: point. Definition A small shallow natural depression or hollow which cannot be represented by the symbol Contour (101) or Form line (103) is represented by a semicircle.The symbol shall…
112 Pit or hole
Geometry: point. Definition A pit or hole with distinct steep sides which cannot be represented to scale with the symbol Earth bank (104). The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters…
113 Broken ground
Geometry: area. Definition An area of pits or knolls, which is too complex to be represented in detail.The density of randomly placed dots may vary according to the detail on…
115 Prominent landform feature
Geometry: point. Definition A small landform feature which is significant or prominent. The symbol is orientated to north. The symbol shall not touch or overlap contour lines or other brown…
201 Uncrossable cliff
Geometry: line. Definition An uncrossable cliff, quarry or earth bank (see symbol Earth bank 104).Tags are drawn downwards, showing its full extent from the top line to the foot.For vertical…
202 Passable rock face
Geometry: line. Definition A passable cliff or quarry.A small vertical rock face may be shown without tags. If the direction of fall of the rock face is not apparent from…
203 Rocky pit or cave
Geometry: point. Definition A rocky pit, hole, cave or mineshaft which may constitute a danger to the competitor. Location is the centre of gravity of the symbol, and the symbol…
204 Boulder
Geometry: point. Definition A small distinct boulder.Every boulder marked on the map shall be immediately identifiable on the ground. Parameters Footprint: 2.4 m in diameter. Colour: black.
205 Large boulder
Geometry: point. Definition A particularly large and distinct boulder. Parameters Footprint: 3.6 m in diameter. Colour: black.
206 Gigantic boulder or rock pillar
Geometry: area. Definition A gigantic boulder, rock pillar or massive cliff shall be represented in plan shape. The objects can vary in shape and width.The gap between gigantic boulders or…
207 Boulder cluster
Geometry: point. Definition A distinct group of boulders so closely clustered together that they cannot be marked individually. A boulder cluster must be easily identifiable as a group of boulders.…
208 Boulder field
Geometry: area. Definition An area which is covered with so many scattered blocks of stone that they cannot be marked individually is represented with randomly placed and orientated solid triangles.…
210 Stony ground
Geometry: area. Definition An area of stony or rocky ground which reduces runnability.The dots shall be randomly distributed with density according to the amount of rock but not interfere with…
213 Open sandy ground
Geometry: area. Definition An area of sandy ground or soft gravel with no vegetation which reduces runnability. Where an area of sandy ground is open and has good runnability, it…
214 Bare rock
Geometry: area. Definition An area of runnable rock without earth or vegetation.An area of rock covered with grass, moss or other low vegetation shall be represented according to its openness…
301 Uncrossable body of water
Geometry: area. Definition An area of deep water such as a lake, pond, river or fountain which may constitute a danger to the competitor. The dark blue colour and the…
302 Shallow body of water
Geometry: area. Definition An area of shallow water such as a pond, river or fountain that can be crossed.The body of water should be less than 0.5 m deep and…
303 Waterhole
Geometry: point. Definition A water-filled pit or an area of water which is too small to be shown to scale.Location is the centre of gravity of the symbol, and the…
305 Small crossable watercourse
Geometry: line. Definition A crossable watercourse less than 2 m wide. Parameters Minimum length: 1 mm (footprint 4 m) Colour: blue.
306 Minor/seasonal watercourse
Geometry: line. Definition A natural or man-made minor watercourse which may contain water only intermittently. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): two dashes (4.11 mm – footprint 16.5 m) Colour: blue.
307 Uncrossable marsh
Geometry: area. Definition A marsh which is uncrossable or which may constitute a danger to the competitor. The feature cannot be crossed. At least two blue lines shall be clearly…
308 Marsh
Geometry: area. Definition A crossable marsh, usually with a distinct edge. The symbol shall be combined with vegetation symbols to show runnability and openness. At least two blue lines shall…
309 Narrow marsh
Geometry: line. Definition A marsh or trickle of water which is too narrow to be shown with symbol Indistinct marsh (310). Parameters Minimum size (isolated): two dots (1 mm –…
310 Indistinct marsh
Geometry: area. An indistinct or seasonal marsh or area of gradual transition from marsh to firm ground, which is crossable. The edge is generally indistinct and the vegetation similar to…
311 Small fountain or well
Geometry: point. Definition Small fountain or well which is at least 1 m in diameter. Parameters Minimum height: 0.5 m. Footprint: 3.6 m x 3.6 m. Colour: blue.
312 Spring
Geometry: point. Definition The source of water with a distinct outflow. The symbol is orientated to open downstream. Parameters Footprint: 4.8 m x 2.4 m. Colour: blue.
313 Prominent water feature
Geometry: point. Definition A small water feature which is significant or prominent. The symbol is orientated to north.The definition of the symbol must be given on the map. Parameters Footprint:…
321 Hydrant
Geometry: point. Definition Hydrant, hand pump or prominent water reference point. Location is the centre of gravity of the symbol. Parameters Colour: blue. Comments Additional symbol for school orienteering maps.
401 Open land
Geometry: area. Definition An area of cultivated land, lawn, field, meadow, grassland, bark mulch etc. without trees, offering very good runnability. If yellow coloured areas become dominant, a screen (75%…
402 Open land with scattered trees
Geometry: area. Definition An area of meadows with scattered trees or bushes, with grass or similarground cover offering very good runnability. The dots may be white (scattered trees) or green…
403 Rough open land
Geometry: area. Definition An area of heath or moorland, a felled area, a newly planted area (trees lower than ca. 1 m) or other generally open land with rough ground…
404 Rough open land with scattered trees
Geometry: area. Definition An area of rough open land with scattered trees or bushes. The dots may be white (scattered trees) or green (scattered bushes / thickets). Symbols Prominent large…
405 Forest
Geometry: area. Definition Typical open forest for the particular type of terrain. If no part of the forest is easily runnable then no white should appear on the map. Parameters…
406 Vegetation: slow running
Geometry: area. Definition An area with dense vegetation (low visibility) which reduces running to about 60-80% of normal speed.When runnability is better in one direction a regular pattern of white…
407 Vegetation: slow running, good visibility
Geometry: area. Definition An area of good visibility and reduced runnability due to, for instance, undergrowth (brambles, heather, low bushes, cut branches, etc.). Running speed is reduced to about 60-80%…
408 Vegetation: walk
Geometry: area. Definition An area with dense trees or thicket (low visibility) which reduces running to about 20-60% of normal speed.When runnability is better in one direction a regular pattern…
409 Vegetation: walk, good visibility
Geometry: area. Definition An area of good visibility and reduced runnability due to, for instance, undergrowth (brambles, heather, low bushes, cut branches, etc.). Running speed is reduced to about 20-60%…
410 Vegetation: fight
Geometry: area. Definition An area of dense vegetation (trees or undergrowth) which is barely passable. Running reduced to less than about 20% of normal speed. When runnability is better in…
411 Uncrossable vegetation
Geometry: area. Definition Uncrossable vegetation is an area of vegetation (for example a hedge) that shall not be crossed or passed through since there may be a danger that private…
412 Cultivated land
Geometry: area. Definition Cultivated land, normally used for growing crops. Runnability may vary according to the type of crops grown and the time of year. Since the runnability may vary,…
413 Orchard
Geometry: area. Definition Land planted with fruit trees or bushes, normally in regular pattern. The dot lines may be orientated to show the direction of planting. At least four dots…
414 Vineyard or similar
Geometry: area. Definition A vineyard or similar cultivated land containing dense rows of plants offering good or normal runnability in the direction of planting. The lines shall be orientated to…
415 Distinct cultivation boundary
Geometry: line. Definition A boundary of symbol cultivated land vegetation (401, 412, 413, 414) or a permanent boundary between different types of cultivated land, when not shown with other symbols…
416 Distinct vegetation boundary
Geometry: line. Definition A very distinct vegetation boundary within the forest, or a distinct forest edge.For indistinct boundaries, the area edges are shown only by the change incolour and /…
417 Prominent large tree
Geometry: point. Definition A prominent large single tree.White mask is used under the green circle, to improve readability in yellow and green (OM 1.4 mm). Parameters Footprint: 4.8 m in…
418 Prominent bush or small tree
Geometry: point. Definition A prominent bush or a small single tree.Small white dot inside is used to aid the colour vision impaired. Parameters Footprint: 3.2 m in diameter. Colour: green,…
419 Prominent vegetation feature
Geometry: point. Definition A vegetation feature which is significant or prominent.White mask is used under the green cross, to improve readability in yellow and green (line width of white mask…
501 Paved area
Geometry: area. Definition A paved area is an area with a firm surface such as asphalt, hard gravel, tiles, concrete or the like. It should be bordered (or framed) by…
501.1 Step or edge of paved area
Geometry: line. Definition An edge of a paved area.Edges within paved areas are generally not represented, unless they serve navigation. Parameters Colour: black.
501.2 Step or edge of paved area at lower level
Geometry: line. Definition This symbol shall only be used in large areas with two levels, when it is necessary for orientation. A cartographic gap of 0.15 mm shall apply at…
501.3 Paved area with scattered trees
Geometry: area. Definition Area with scattered trees or bushes in a paved area. Parameters Minimum width: 2.2 mm Minimum area: 6.25 mm² (footprint 100 m²). Smaller areas must be left…
505 Unpaved footpath or track
Geometry: line. Definition An unpaved footpath or rough vehicle track is a way for passing mainly by foot, without a smooth, hard surface. The colour shall be the same as…
506 Small unpaved footpath or track
Geometry: line. Definition A small unpaved footpath or track. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): two dashes (3.4 mm – footprint 13.6 m). Colour: black.
507 Less distinct small path
Geometry: line. Definition A less distinct path or forestry extraction track. Parameters Minimum length: two sections of double dashes (7.9 mm – footprint 31.6 m). Colour: black.
508 Narrow ride
Geometry: line. Definition A distinct ride is a linear break in the forest (usually in a plantation), which does not have a distinct path along it. Where there is a…
509.1 Railway
Geometry: line. Definition A railway is a permanent track laid with rails on which locomotives, carriages or wagons can travel. If it is forbidden to cross or run along the…
509.2 Tramway
Geometry: line. Definition A tramway is a public vehicle running regularly along certain streets, usually on rails. The track can be easily crossed by the competitor. Tramways are generally not…
510 Power line, cableway or ski lift
Geometry: line. Definition The bars indicate the exact location of the pylons. If a section of a power line, cableway or ski lift goes along a road or path (and…
511 Major power line
Geometry: line. Definition Major power lines should be drawn with a double line. The gap between the lines may indicate the extent of the powerline. Very large carrying masts shall…
512.1 Bridge or tunnel entrance
Geometry: line. Definition A bridge is a structure spanning and permitting passage over a river, chasm, road or the like. A simple bridge, where it is possible to pass underneath,…
512.2 Underpass or tunnel
Geometry: line. Definition An underpass or a tunnel is a passage running underneath the ground or a building, especially a passage for pedestrians or vehicles. A cartographic gap of 0.2…
512.3 Area runnable at lower level
Geometry: area. Definition Upper part of a two-level structure which can be passed at two levels (except the symbols Uncrossable body of water (301) and Area that shall not be…
513.1 Passable wall
Geometry: line. Definition A passable wall is a construction made of stone, brick, concrete etc., which can be passed. If such a wall is higher than 1.5 m, it shall…
513.2 Passable retaining wall
Geometry: line. Definition A passable wall which is seen only from one side. Half dot must point to the lower level. Parameters Height is 0.6 – 1.5 m. If lower,…
515 Uncrossable wall
Geometry: line. Definition An uncrossable wall or retaining wall is a wall, which fulfil the function of an enclosure or solid barrier. It shall not be crossed, because it may…
516 Passable fence or railing
Geometry: line. Definition A passable fence is a barrier enclosing or bordering a field, yard, etc., usually made of posts and wire or wood. It is used to prevent entrance…
518 Uncrossable fence or railing
Geometry: line. Definition An uncrossable fence or railing shall not be crossed, because it may constitute a danger to the competitor due to its height or due to the risk…
519 Crossing point (optional)
Geometry: point. Definition A crossing point is a gap or an opening in a fence, railing or wall, which can easily be passed through by a competitor. Small gaps or…
520 Area that shall not be entered
Geometry: area. Definition An area that shall not be entered such as a private area, a flower bed, a railway area etc. No feature shall be represented in this area,…
521 Building
Geometry: area Definition A building is a relatively permanent construction having a roof. Buildings within symbol Area that shall not be entered (520) may just be represented in a simplified…
522 Canopy
Geometry: area. Definition A canopy is a building construction (with a roof), normally supported by pillars, poles or walls, such as passages, gangways, courts, bus stops, gas stations or garages.…
522.1 Pillar
Geometry: point. Definition A pillar is an upright shaft or structure of stone, brick or other material, relatively slender in proportion to its height and any shape in section, used…
524 High tower
Geometry: point. Definition A high tower or large pylon. Very large towers shall be represented in plan shape with the symbol Building (521). The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters…
525 Small tower
Geometry: point. Definition An obvious small tower, elevated platform or seat. The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters Footprint: 6 m x 6 m. Colour: black. Comments The definition of…
526 Cairn, memorial, sculpture, small monument or boundary stone
Geometry: point. Definition Cairn, memorial, sculpture, small monument or boundary stone that is obvious. Large massive monuments shall be represented in plan shape with the symbol Building (521). Parameters Footprint:…
527 Fodder rack
Geometry: point Definition A fodder rack, which is free standing or attached to a tree. The symbol isorientated to north. Parameters Footprint: 6 m x 6 m. Colour: black.
528 Prominent line feature
Geometry: line Definition A prominent man-made line feature. For example, a low pipeline (gas, water, oil, heat, etc.) or a bobsleigh / skeleton track that is clearly visible. The definition…
529 Prominent uncrossable line feature
Geometry: line. Definition An uncrossable man-made line feature. For example, a high pipeline (gas, water, oil, heat, etc.) or a bobsleigh / skeleton track. The definition of the symbol must…
530 Prominent man-made feature – ring
Geometry: point. Definition A man-made feature which is significant or prominent.The definition of the symbol must be given on the map. Parameters Footprint: 4 m in diameter. Colour: black.
531 Prominent man-made feature – x
Geometry: point. Definition Location is at the centre of gravity of the symbol, and the symbol is orientated to north.The definition of the symbol must be given on the map.…
532 Stairway
Geometry: line Definition Steps of a stairway shall be represented in a generalized manner. Parameters Minimum length: 3 (graphical) steps. Minimum width: 0.4 mm (IM). Colour: black. Comments The definition…
533 Area with obstacles
Geometry: area. Definition An area with several man-made features that are too small or close to be mapped individually and that constitute obstacles to the runners. The area cannot be…
541 Playground equipment
Geometry: line. Definition Children’s play equipment or handball goal. Smaller devices can be drawn with the symbol prominent man-made feature (531 or 532). Parameters Minimum length: 1.8 mm (footprint 1.8…
542 Table
Geometry: point. Definition Tables of all kinds like table tennis table or picnic table. Location is the centre of gravity of the symbol. Parameters Minimum width: 1.5 mm. Minimum area…
543 Bench, seat
Geometry: line. Definition Fixed seating like bench or seat. Parameters Minimum length: 1.5 mm (footprint 1.5 m). Colour: black. Comments Additional symbol for school orienteering map.
544 Pole, small pylon
Geometry: point. Definition Small pylon like flagpole, traffic sign, direction sign or basketball basket. Location is the centre of gravity of the symbol. Parameters Colour: black. Comments Additional symbol for…
545 Lamppost
Geometry: point. Definition Street lamp or traffic light. Location is the centre of gravity of the symbol, and the symbol shall be orientated to north. Parameters Colour: black. Comments Additional…
601 Magnetic north line
Geometry: line. Definition Magnetic north lines are lines placed on the map pointing to magnetic north. Their spacing shall be 30 mm, they represent 120 m on the ground. North…
701 Start
Geometry: point Definition The place where the orienteering starts. The centre of the triangle shows the precise position where the orienteering course starts. The start must be on a clearly…
702 Map issue point
Geometry: point Definition If there is a marked route to the start point, the map issue point is marked using this symbol. Parameters Colour: purple (upper purple). Comments The definition…
703 Control point
Geometry: point Definition The control points are shown with circles (footprint 24 m). The centre of the circle shows the precise position of the feature. Sections of circles should be…
704 Control number
Geometry: text. Definition The number of the control is placed close to the control point circle in such a way that it does not obscure important detail. The numbers are…
705 Course line
Geometry: line. Definition Where controls are to be visited in order, the start, control points and finish are joined together by straight lines. Sections of lines should be omitted to…
706 Finish
Geometry: point Definition The finish is shown by two concentric circles. Parameters Colour: purple (lower purple). Comments The definition of this map symbol was updated on 20.01.2020: Precise definition of…
707 Marked route
Geometry: line. Definition A marked route is shown on the map with a dashed line. Parameters Colour: purple (upper purple). Comments The definition of this map symbol was updated on…
708 Out-of-bounds boundary
Geometry: line. Definition An out-of-bounds boundary shall not be crossed. It shall be used for temporary uncrossable boundaries used for the course setting. Parameters Colour: purple (lower purple). Comments The…
709 Out-of-bounds area
Geometry: area. Definition An out-of-bounds area. A bounding line may be drawn if there is no natural boundary as follows:• a solid line indicates that the boundary is marked continuously…
710.1 Crossing point
Geometry: point. Definition A crossing point through or over a wall or fence, or across a road or railway or through a tunnel or an out-of-bounds area is drawn on…
710.2 Crossing section
Geometry: line. Definition A crossing section through or over a building, wall or fence, or across a road or railway or through a tunnel or an out-of-bounds area is drawn…
714 Temporary construction or closed area
Geometry: area. Definition Obvious temporary constructions like platforms for spectators and speaker, closed area for spectators, outside restaurant areas, etc. shall be represented in plan shape. Parameters Minimum width: 0.5…
715 Continuing point after map exchange
Geometry: point. Definition Symbol marking the continuation of the course after the map flip or the map exchange. The triangle points in the direction of the following control. Parameters Colour:…