This page provides links to information resources related to mapping.
Links to resources
This section includes information and links to general resources and tutorials on mapping. A short information can be given after the link if needed. Indicate the language of non-English sources in square brackets.
Tutorials and resources on mapping
- Карта в спортивном ориентировании [in Russian]
- Orienteering Australia – Mapping
- Tvorba map pro orientační běh [in Czech]
Software tutorials
Published articles and studies
This section records scientific articles, theses and professional studies related to orienteering mapping in alphabetical order. As a citing style use APA (7th edition).
Boström, M. (2011). The Utilization of GPS In Orienteering Mapping In Urban Helsinki and Rural Kenya [Master’s thesis, University of Helsinki].
Cerar, G. (2016). Samodejno izdelovanje kart gostote vegetacije s pomočjo LiDAR-skega snemanja za potrebe orientacijskega teka : diplomsko delo. [Automatically generated vegetation density maps with LIDAR survey for orienteering purpose: master’s thesis.] Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta. [in Slovenian]
Ditz, R., Glaner, F., & Gartner, G. (2014). Laser Scanning and Orienteering Maps. Scientific journal of orienteering, 19(1).
due Trier, Ø. (2015). Automatic mapping of forest density from airborne LIDAR data. Geodesy and Cartography, 41(2), 49–65.
Janata, T., & Hradec, P. (2015). The Use of Laser Altimetric Data for Orienteering Mapping in the Central European Area. In Cartography-Maps Connecting the World (pp. 375-386). Springer, Cham
Petrovič, D. (2011). Some experiences in making orienteering maps in Slovenia from airborne laser scanning data. Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference, 3–8.
Petrovič, D. (2018). Automatically Generated Vegetation Density Maps with LiDAR Survey for Orienteering Purpose. In Proceedings of the ICA (Vol. 1, p. 92).
Semrád, L., Stachoň, Z., & Krtička, L. (2020). Poruchy barvocitu a mapy pro orientační běh [Issue of Colour Blindness and the Maps for Orienteering]. Geodetický a kartografický obzor, 108(8), 7. [in Czech]
Schaad, G. (2017) Halbautomatische Extraktion bodennaher Vegetation aus Airborne Laserscanning-Daten als Grundlage für OL-Karten [Semi-automatic extraction of ground vegetation from airborne laser scanning data as a basis for orienteering maps]. Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg. [in German]
Zentai, L. (2011). Legibility of Orienteering Maps: Evolution and Influences. The Cartographic Journal, 48(2), 108–115.
Zentai, L. (2014). Implementation of Cartographic and Digital Techniques in Orienteering Maps. In Cartography from Pole to Pole (pp. 19–29). Springer.
Zentai, L. (2014). Discovery of Forested Areas on Topographic Maps: Development of Orienteering Maps. In History of Cartography (pp. 295–308). Springer.
Zentai, L. (2015). Generalization Problems of Orienteering Maps. In Cartography-Maps Connecting the World (pp. 99-109). Springer, Cham.