International Specification for MTB Orienteering Maps
101 Contour
Geometry: line. Definition A line joining points of equal height. The standard vertical interval between contours is 5 m. A contour interval of 10 m may be used in steep…
102 Index contour
Geometry: line, text. Definition Every fifth contour shall be drawn with a thicker line. This is an aid to the quick assessment of height difference and the overall shape of…
104 Earth bank
Geometry: line. Definition An earth bank is an abrupt change in ground level which is clearly distinct from its surroundings, e.g. gravel or sand pits, road and railway cuttings or…
105 Earth wall
Geometry: line. Definition Distinct earth wall. Parameters Minimum height: 1 m. Minimum length: 1.6 mm (footprint 24 m). Colour: brown.
107 Erosion gully
Geometry: line. Definition An erosion gully which is too small to be shown using symbol Earth bank (104) is shown by a single line. Parameters Minimum length: 1.15 mm (footprint…
108 Small erosion gully
Geometry: line. Definition A small erosion gully or trench which is a significant aid to navigation, where riders should not need to dismount. Contour lines should be broken around this…
109 Small knoll
Geometry: point. Definition A small obvious mound or rocky knoll which cannot be drawn to scale with a Contour (101), Index contour (102). The symbol shall not touch or overlap…
201 Impassable cliff
Geometry: line. Definition A cliff, quarry or earth bank that is so high and steep that it is impossible to pass/climb or is dangerous.For vertical rock faces the tags may…
204 Boulder
Geometry: point. Definition A distinct boulder (should be higher than 1 m), which is immediately identifiable on the ground. Boulders should be omitted from maps where they are abundant and…
206 Gigantic boulder or rock pillar
Geometry: area. Definition A gigantic boulder, rock pillar or massive cliff shall be represented in plan shape. The objects can vary in shape and width. Parameters The gap between gigantic…
210 Stony ground
Geometry: area. Definition Stony or rocky ground which reduces rideability to about 60-80% of normal speed.The dots should be randomly distributed but not interfere with the representation of important terrain…
213 Open sandy ground
Geometry: area. Definition An area of soft sandy or soft gravelled ground where cycling is difficult or impossible, but it is permitted to ride.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters…
214 Bare rock
Geometry: area. Definition An area of rock without earth or vegetation should be shown as bare rock. An area of rock covered with grass, moss or other low vegetation, shall…
301 Uncrossable body of water
Geometry: area. Definition The blue bank line emphasises that the feature is uncrossable.Dominant areas of water may be shown with 50% colour. Small areas of water and bodies of water…
304 Crossable watercourse
Geometry: line. Definition Should be at least 2 m wide. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 1 mm (footprint 15 m). Colour: blue.
305 Crossable small watercourse
Geometry: line. Definition Crossable small watercourse. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 1 mm (footprint 15 m) Colour: blue.
306 Minor/seasonal water channel
Geometry: line. Definition A natural or man-made minor water channel which may contain water only intermittently. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): two dashes (2.75 mm – footprint 41.25 m). Colour: blue.
307 Uncrossable marsh
Geometry: area. Definition A marsh which is uncrossable or dangerous for the competitor. The blue outline emphasises that the feature is uncrossable. The blue outline is omitted for boundaries between…
308 Marsh
Geometry: area. Definition A crossable marsh, usually with a distinct edge. The symbol shall be combined with other symbols to show rideability and openness.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters…
313 Prominent water feature
Geometry: point Definition The definition of the symbol must be given on the map.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters Footprint: 16.5 m × 16.5 m. Colour: blue. Comments Optional…
401 Open land
Geometry: area. Definition Open land that has a ground cover (grass, moss or similar). If yellow coloured areas become dominant, a screen (75% instead of full yellow) may be used.…
402 Open land with scattered trees
Geometry: area. Definition Areas with scattered trees or bushes in open land may be generalised by using a regular pattern of large dots in the yellow screen. The dots may…
403 Rough open land
Geometry: area. Definition Heath, moorland, felled areas, newly planted areas (trees lower than ca. 1 m) or other generally open land with rough ground vegetation, heather or tall grass. Smaller…
404 Rough open land with scattered trees
Geometry: area. Definition Scattered trees in rough open land, typically long grass areas. It is not recommended to add individual Prominent large tree (417) or Special vegetation feature (419), unless…
405 Forest
Geometry: area. Definition Typically open forest for the terrain. Parameters Minimum width: 0.8 mm (footprint 12 m). Minimum area: 2 mm2. Colour: white.
406 Forest: reduced rideability and visibility
Geometry: area. Definition Dense forest with low visibility. Parameters Minimum width: 0.8 mm (footprint 12 m). Minimum area: 2 mm2. Colour: green 30%.
407 Vegetation: reduced off-track rideability, good visibility
Geometry: area. Definition An area of good visibility but undergrowth (brambles, heather, low bushes, cut branches). Speed is reduced to difficult or impossible requiring the competitor to dismount. Symbol should…
410 Impassable vegetation
Geometry: line. Definition A hedge of any height, which is distinct in the terrain and provides an important navigational feature. Minimum length (isolated): 1 mm (footprint 15 m). Colour: green.…
413 Orchard
Geometry: area. Definition Land planted with trees or bushes, normally in a regular pattern. The dot lines may be orientated to show the direction of planting. Must be combined with…
414 Vineyard
Geometry: area. Definition A vineyard or similar cultivated land containing dense rows of plants offering good or normal runnability in the direction of planting. The lines shall be orientated to…
417 Prominent large tree
Geometry: point. Definition White mask is used under the green circle, to improve readability in yellow and green (OM 1.1 mm). Parameters Footprint: 16.5 m × 16.5 m. Colour: green.…
418 Prominent bush or small tree
Geometry: point. Definition A prominent bush or a small single tree. Small white dot inside is used to aid the colour vision impaired. Parameters Footprint: 11.25 m in diameter. Colour:…
419 Special vegetation feature
Geometry: point. Definition White mask is used under the green cross, to improve readability in yellow and green (line width of white mask 0.36 mm, and the total length of…
501 Paved area
Geometry: area. Definition An area with a firm surface such as asphalt, hard gravel, paving stones, concrete or similar. The paved area should be bordered (or framed) by a thin…
501.1 Step or edge of paved area
Geometry: line. Definition An edge of a paved area. Edges within paved areas are generally not represented unless they serve navigation. Parameters Colour: black. Comments Optional symbol. The definition of…
502 Paved road
Geometry: line. Definition A road with asphalt, concrete or other paved surface. The width should be drawn to scale, but not smaller than the minimum width. The space between the…
509 Railway
Geometry: line. Definition A railway or other kind of railed track.If it is forbidden to cycle across or along the railway, it should be combined with symbol Area that shall…
510 Power line, cableway or ski lift
Geometry: line. Definition Power line, cableway or ski lift. The bars show the exact location of the pylons. The line may be broken to improve legibility. If a section of…
511 Major power line
Geometry: line. Definition Major power lines should be drawn with a double line. The gap between the lines may indicate the extent of the power line. The bars show the…
512 Bridge/tunnel
Geometry : line, point. Definition Bridges and tunnels are represented using the same basic symbols.If it is not possible to get through a tunnel (or under a bridge), it shall…
513 Passable wall
Geometry: line. Definition A significant wall of brick, stone, concrete, wood or other materials that is possible to cross. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 1.5 mm (footprint 22.5 m). Colour: black…
515 Impassable wall
Geometry: line. Definition A significant wall of brick, stone, concrete, wood or other materials that is impossible to cross. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 2 mm (footprint 30 m). Colour: black…
516 Passable fence or railing
Geometry: line. Definition A fence that is possible to cross. If the fence forms an enclosed area, tags should be placed inside. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 1.5 mm (footprint 22.5…
518 Impassable fence or railing
Geometry: line. Definition A fence that is impossible to cross. If the fence forms an enclosed area, tags should be placed inside. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 2 mm (footprint 30…
519 Crossing point
Geometry: point. Definition A way through or over a wall, fence or other linear feature, including a gate or stile. For impassable features, the line shall be broken at the…
520 Area that shall not be entered
Geometry: area. Definition An area that shall not be entered such as private area, a flower bed, a railway area etc. No feature shall be represented in this area, except…
521 Building
Geometry: area. Definition A building is a relatively permanent construction having a roof. Buildings within symbol Area that shall not be entered (520) may just berepresented in a simplified manner.…
522 Canopy
Geometry: area. Definition A canopy is a building construction (with a roof), normally supported by pillars, poles or walls, such as passages, gangways, courts, bus stops, gas stations or garages.…
522.1 Pillar
Geometry: point. Definition A pillar is an upright shaft or structure of stone, brick or other material, relatively slender in proportion to its height and any shape in section, used…
524 High tower
Geometry: point. Definition A high tower or large pylon. If it is in a forest, it must be visible above the level of the surrounding forest. Towers with a larger…
525 Small tower
Geometry: point. Definition An obvious small tower, platform or seat.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters Footprint: 18 m × 18 m. Colour: black 60%.
527 Fodder rack
Geometry: point. Definition A fodder rack, which is free standing or attached to a tree.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters Footprint: 18 m × 18 m. Colour: black 60%.
528 Passable line feature
Geometry: line. Definition A man-made line feature that is allowed to cross. For example, a low pipeline (gas, water, oil, heat, etc.) or a bobsleigh / skeleton track that is…
529 Uncrossable line feature
Geometry: line. Definition A man-made line feature that is impassableto cross. For example, a high pipeline (gas, water, oil, heat, etc.) or a bobsleigh / skeleton track. The definition of…
530 Prominent man-made feature – ring
Geometry: point. Definition Location is at the centre of gravity of the symbol.The definition of the symbol must be given on the map. Parameters Footprint: 16.5 m in diameter. Colour:…
531 Prominent man-made feature – x
Geometry: point. Definition Location is at the centre of gravity of the symbol.The definition of the symbol must be given on the map.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters Footprint:…
532 Stairs
Geometry: line. Definition Steps or stairways which present a challenge to riding. A stairway going through rock passages or between impassable objects may be drawn without border lines. An easily…
601 Magnetic north line
Geometry: line. Definition Magnetic north lines are placed on the map pointing to magnetic north, parallel to the sides of the paper and with magnetic north being at the top…
603 Spot height
Geometry: point, text. Definition Spot heights are used for the rough assessment of height differences. The height is given to the nearest metre. Water levels are given without the dot.…
701 Start
Geometry: point. Definition The place where the orienteering starts. The centre of the triangle shows the precise position where the orienteering course starts. The start must be on a clearly…
702 Map issue point
Geometry: point. Definition If there is a marked route to the start point, the map issue point is marked using this symbol. Parameters Colour: upper purple (over black).
703 Control point
Geometry: point. Definition For point features, the centre of the circle shall be the centre of the symbol.For line and area features, the centre of the circle shows the precise…
703.1 Control point with focus point
Geometry: point. Definition The focus point (i.e. the point in the centre of a control circle) can be used when it is necessary to clarify the exact position of a…
704 Control number with control code
Geometry: text. Definition The number of the control is placed close to the control point circle in such a way that it does not obscure important detail.The numbers are orientated…
705 Course line
Geometry: line. Definition Where controls are to be visited in order, the sequence is shown using straight lines from the start to the first control and then from each control…
706 Finish
Geometry: point. Definition The end of the course. Parameters Colour: lower purple (under black).
707 Marked route
Geometry: line. Definition A marked route that is a part of the course. It is mandatory to follow the marked route. Parameters Minimum length: 2 dashes (4.5 mm – footprint:…
708 Out of bounds boundary
Geometry: line. Definition A boundary which is not permitted to cross. Use as an overprint for a symbol that otherwise indicates that the boundary is passable e.g. Passable fence (513).…
709 Out of bounds area
Geometry: area. Definition An out of bounds area. A bounding line may be drawn if there is no natural boundary as follows: a solid line indicates that the boundary is…
710 Crossing point
Geometry: point, line. Definition A crossing point through or over a wall or fence, or across a road or railway, or through a tunnel or an out of bounds area…
712 First aid post
Geometry: point. Definition The location of a first aid post.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters Footprint: 45 m. Colour: upper purple (over black).
713 Refreshment point
Geometry: point. Definition The location of a refreshment point which is not at a control.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters Footprint: 45 m. Colour: upper purple (over black).
716 Forbidden route
Geometry: line. Definition A route which is out of bounds and forbidden to cross and follow is shown with a zigzag. The zigzag line should be as continuous as possible.…
717 Obstacle across track, path or road
Geometry: point. Definition These barriers must be highly visible on the map and should be overprinted in purple. The symbol should be used for all obstacles that are difficult to…
718 Forbidden to pass
Geometry: point. Definition This symbol can be used for all locations that are forbidden or impossible to pass. In locations where two tracks or paths almost meet, but the situation…
719 Dangerous section
Geometry: point Definition Two exclamation marks with a white outline to represent a dangerous section.The symbol is orientated to north. Parameters Font: Arial, 4.0 mm, non-bold, non-italic. Symbol shall be…
815 Track: fast riding
Geometry: line. Definition Road, track or wide path, fast riding. Parameters Colour: black.
816 Path: fast riding
Geometry: line. Definition Road, track or wide path, fast riding. Parameters Colour: black.
817 Track: medium riding
Geometry: line. Definition Gravel road, track or wide path, medium speed riding. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 2 dashes (6.5 mm – footprint 97.5 m). Colour: black.
818 Path: medium riding
Geometry: line. Definition A narrow path, medium speed riding. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 2 dashes (6.5 mm – footprint 97.5 m). Colour: black
819 Track: slow riding
Geometry: line. Definition Gravel road, track or wide path, slow riding. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 2 dashes (3.4 mm – footprint 51 m). Colour: black.
820 Path: slow riding
Geometry: line. Definition Narrow path, slow riding. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 2 dashes (3.4 mm – footprint 51 m). Colour: black.
821 Track: very slow riding
Geometry: line. Definition Gravel road, track or wide path, very slow riding. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 2 dashes (1.9 mm – footprint 28.5 m). Colour: black.
822 Path: very slow riding
Geometry: line. Definition Narrow path, very slow riding. Parameters Minimum length (isolated): 2 dashes (1.5 mm – footprint 22.5 m). Colour: black
823 Track end point
Geometry: point. Definition The end of the track or path, it is no longer possible to continue in its direction. Parameters Footprint: 16.5 m. Colour: black. Comments Optional symbol.
824 Open land, permitted to ride
Geometry: area. Definition An area of open land that is permitted to ride, when off-track riding is otherwise forbidden. The permitted area should have obvious borders or be marked in…
825 Forested area, permitted to ride
Geometry: area. Definition An area of terrain with a dense track network or little ground vegetation where riding everywhere is allowed. Predominant track/paths going through this area shall be shown…
826 Rough open land, permitted to ride
Geometry: area. Definition Heath, moorland, felled areas, newly planted areas (trees lower than ca. 1 m) or other generally open land with rough ground vegetation, heather or tall grass that…
827 Narrow ride or linear trace through the terrain, permitted to ride, fast riding
Geometry: line. Definition A forest ride or a prominent trace (forestry extraction track, sandy track, ski track) through the terrain which does not have a distinct rideable path along it,…
828 Narrow ride or linear trace through the terrain, permitted to ride: medium riding
Geometry: line. Definition A forest ride or a prominent trace (forestry extraction track, sandy track, ski track) through the terrain which does not have a distinct rideable path along it,…
829 Narrow ride or linear trace through the terrain, permitted to ride: slow riding
Geometry: line Definition A forest ride or a prominent trace (forestry extraction track, sandy track, ski track) through the terrain which does not have a distinct rideable path along it,…
830 Narrow ride or linear trace through the terrain, permitted to ride: very slow riding
Geometry: line. Definition A forest ride or a prominent trace (forestry extraction track, sandy track, ski track) through the terrain which does not have a distinct rideable path along it,…
841 One-way compulsory
Geometry: point. Definition For use on tracks and paths where it is only allowed to ride in one direction, for example on mountain bike single tracks. The frequency of chevron…